Movie Retelling
2023-01-13 10:06:39

1. 心靈的深夜對話 Our Souls At Night:

2. 愛情沒有終點 The Longest Ride:

3. 小姐妳哪位? The Wrong Missy:

4. 曠野佳節 Holiday In The Wild:

5. 高年級實習生 The Intern 2021.9.15 :

6. 當幸褔來敲門The Pursuit of Happiness 2021.10.3:

7. 愛的萬物論 The Theory of Everything 2021.11.4 :

8. 婚外情: An Affair 2021.12.27

9. 薩利機長:哈德遜奇蹟 Sully 2022.1.16:

10. 真愛難題 Love Hard 2022.2.28:

11. 婚禮無法度 Resort to Love 2022.4.7:

12. 機密真相 Flight 2022.5.15:

13. 拼命呼吸 Keep Breathing (Chapter 1) 2023.1.6:

14. 拼命呼吸 Keep Breathing (Chapter 2) 2023.1.13 :