Our Souls at Night
2021-11-04 10:46:40

   Holiday In The Wild

     When kids grow up and start to develop their own lives, what will their senior parents do? Or what will parents need in their 60s? Regardless of cultures, countries, I think most of them need someone's company. Someone who they can talk to or someone who they want to talk to.


    They might have some options. Firstly, some elders don't have a person they can talk to might choose to have a pet. Secondly, some elders who get along with their neighbors can have a small talk every day. Thirdly, some elders might have a lot of friends, so they can have activities on some days. Whatever they choose will benefit their physical health and mental health. Or like this?

"Would you be interested in coming to my house at times to sleep with me?" said Addie

"huh?" Louis laughed

"Did I take your breath away?" asked Addie.

Louis was quiet.

"See.. we both are alone. You know, we've been on our own for years. I am lonely. I'm guessing you might be, too. It is not about sex, but about getting through the night because nights were the worst. Finding a nice person who could lie down in bed together and talking through the night until we fall asleep." said Addie


    They had been neighbors for many years, but they seemed not to be familiar with each other. Therefore, on the first night, Addie took Louis on a tour of the house. After lying down in bed together, Addie didn't talk but sleep right away. Understanding a person needs to take some time, so Louis still came again and again. However, each time Louis came, he always walked through the back yard because he thought people might talk. Every night, they chatted, laughed, and talked about their past during feasting on dinner. After several days, with Addie and Louis being familiar with each other slowly, Louis also started to overhear some people talking about them in this small town. Louis got mad and told Addie," I do not want anybody to think anything bad about us." Addie laughed and said," I have been worried about how someone looks at me for many years. Nevertheless, I couldn't care less now, so let them talk. We always knew people would find out."


One day, Addie's son, Gene, and grandchild, Jamie came. Gene had some problems with his wife, so he left 6-year-old Jamie at Addie's house until the school opened in September.


  Because Jamie's parents didn't have a good relationship, Jamie always spent time playing with his cell phone. Nevertheless, It broke Louis’ heart to see how lonely Jamie was. Therefore, during summer vacation, Louis, Addie, and Jamie went camping, watched a baseball game in the field, and played a train set as well as adopted a stray dog from an animal shelter. They seemed to have a lot of fun and Jamie also like Louis’ company.


  After one month and a half, Gene came to pick up Jamie, seeing them just come back from camping, he seemed unhappy with it. He thought Louis was not a good man because he broke his family and went out with another woman while Louis and his wife had the flight. Addie who understands Louis said," it was past and everyone had one's past. He wanted to fix it, but it was too late."


  After Jamie went home, Louis suggested they go to Denver to enjoy themselves. In Denver, they spent several days joining meals, wandering on the street, and having wonderful nights, and they had sex. Their relationship was even more closed. I have no choice but to say that sex is magic.


   One day, Louis got a phone call from a friend, which the friend said that Addie fell downstairs and she was in the hospital. He went to the hospital and then asked Addie, "how can I help you?" Addie said, "Just kiss me." When I saw this scene, I was smiling. I was thinking even if people's age like 60s still says this kind of sweet word like a little girl. What sweet and wonderful words they were!


    After Addie left the hospital, her son who didn't like Louis hoped her mom could live with him and Jamie. The place was far away from Addie's and Louis'. Addie had no choice because her son and grandchild needed her. However, she also thought she needed to make up for the relationship with her son. In her grievous memory, on a wonderful afternoon, kids were playing outside while she was preparing for dinner. She heard a screech of car tires. She went out in a hurry and saw her daughter lie down on there. The next day, her daughter was buried. After losing her daughter, life was upside down. She could not talk to everyone and the relationship with his husband was broken, either. The little Gene lost his mother’s attention so that he blamed himself for this car accident for many years. With Jamie’s mom leaving, Addie thought it was time to spend more time with Gene and 6-year-old Jamie.


   In the movie, I can also see little Jaime needs love, which is a way of being taken care of, and Gene, Jaime's father needs love too, which is a way of getting attention from his mother. Everyone needs love in a different way. 


   However, who knew what Addie needed? After a few weeks, Addie got a parcel from Louis, there was a cell phone inside. 

     After a long day, Jamie came back from school, everyone had a meal, and she finished reading Jamie's storybook, Addie called Louis at late-night and said she could not sleep. Louis replied that" so did I. You know that the night was the worst."


   I have an uncle who accompanies my mother for years. I didn't like him, but now I thank him. Although he is not my father, I also give him a red envelope as a lucky sign when the new year comes. We also spend time with each other on Father's Day to express my gratitude in my mind. I understand what my mother needs and thank the uncle does what I am unable to do. 


   Regardless of age, gender, and cultures as well as borders, everyone needs love. Even pets need love from owners. You can’t touch, feel, smell, taste, and see what love is, but it is magic, too.