GEPT 口說&寫作-初級
GEPT's oral test and writing -Basic Level
全民英檢中, 學生比較覺得有挑戰性的部份是口說和寫作的部份。
* For GEPT oral test, students need to answer each question within 15 seconds, so teachers need to notice if there is wrong grammar and pronunciation. Also see if students can say something more for 15 seconds. If students finishes answering the question too soon, teachers need to guide them to prolong the sentence or correct their sentences.
You also can ask students the same question again to see if they can answer it well for 15 seconds. Then After that, teachers can proceed to the next question. Please remember that the oral test also needs to consider the time.
* For writing training, we always give them a topic and then students start writing whatever they want. It is a basic training to develop their writing skills. For GEPT writing test, it has basic level, intermediate level, and intermediate-high level. I put some materials, which is for basic level of GEPT in library folder, so teachers can mix this kind of writing to improve their writing skills. When they receive it, they start making a story like it below. For basic level of GEPT, the writing only needs 50 words. However, when we train their writing skill, I think it is better to have more than 50 words.
For example:
Story setting
Panic on the train
When, where
One Sunday morning; Taipei Main Station and Yilan Station
Sandy, Irene, and a crowd of passengers
Writing content
Sandy had wanted to go to Yilan to visit a famous orchid garden for a long time but had never been able to find the time.
- She invited her best friend Irene to go to Yilan.
- The two girls talked all the way to Tilan.
- Everyone ran off the train in chaos as soon as it came to a complete stop.
They even saw themselves on the new later that night!
Sandy had wanted to go to Yilan to visit a famous orchid garden for a long time but had never been able to find the time. However, she finally had a weekend with no obligations or plans, so she invited her best friend Irene to go. They agreed to meet at Taipei Main Station to catch a train Sunday morning. They met up, got on the train, and talked all the way to Yilan. They didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary to happen that day. Then, just as the train was about to pull into Yilan Station, Sandy and Irene suddenly heard screams coming from the next car and saw a crowd of people rushing towards them. Everyone feared the worst and immediately panicked, including them. They all ran off the train in chaos as soon as it came to a complete stop. The girls found out shortly afterwards that the source of all the alarm and confusion was a large rat running around in the train car. Relieved that it was nothing serious, they were about to go visit the orchid garden without further delay. But all they could talk about was how ridiculous the whole incident was. They even saw themselves on the news later that night!