The blueprint of teaching
2020-09-01 16:09:10




    在我的教學藍圖裡,我並沒有像外面補習班分為 兒美英文和文理英文 兩種,因為在我的觀念裡它就只是一個英文(聽,說,讀,寫本是應該同時俱備的能力)。我分為4個階段,每個階段對學生都非常重要。外師和我如何訓練這些學生呢?可以從以下的這個圖表得知。在我這邊畢業的學生(全民英檢中級),他們只要持續與外師上課也是一種可以保持英語能力非常重要的方式。




Chinese Teacher

Foreign Teacher






Phonics 2-4

      1. 基礎發音


      2. 影片欣賞



(No conversation class)


Adopting an interesting habit to study English



Up and away 1-5 (中師)


Say it 1-4, Everyone speak beginner 1-3 (外師)

  1. 課本文法 Grammar
  2. 影片欣賞 Video


( 30分鐘會話課)

 Conversation class for 30 mins each time


Basic level


Up and away 6 (中師)


Everyone speak 1-3/ Magazine (外師)

  1. 課本文法 Grammar
  2. 影片欣賞 Movie
  3. 寫作訓練 Writing


( 30分鐘會話課)

Conversation class for 30 mins each time


Intermediate level






Azar 文法



  1. 複習文法 Review Basic Grammar
  2. 進階文法 Advanced Grammar
  3. 翻譯訓練 Translating
  1. 中級雜誌 (1 小時會話)  An intermediate magazine
  2.  Writing correction. (提升寫作能力 外師協助糾正錯誤) 。

Conversation class for an hour each time

中級→     中高級Intermediate level   →    High intermediate level

 可以看中級雜誌「空中美語雜誌」。P.s 看年紀,每家的中級雜誌內容不太一樣


Oxford Discover 3-6/ Magazine

(會話用書)(conversation class)


  1. GEPT 中級模擬測驗(Simulation test in English for GEPT)
  1. Conversation class for an hour each time

      2. Writing correction.

  1. 每次會話課為1小時,藉由各種文章(樂器, 環境污染,自然生物等文章)複習所有文法。
  2. 提升寫作能力 (外師協助糾正錯誤) 。


High intermediate level



Congrats! 恭喜你畢業了!


No Chinese Teacher

  1. Conversation class for an hour each time by using magazine.
  2. Writing correction.
  1. 每次會話課為1小時 ( 藉由會話,閱讀,寫作,看英文影集都是保持英文能力的不二法門。)
  2. 持續寫作能力 (外師協助糾正錯誤)。


中高級→    高級

High intermediate level →   High level

可以看中高級雜誌「空中美語教室雜誌,常春藤」。P.s 看年紀,每家的中高級雜誌內容不太一樣) 。


All teachers

What is my blueprint of teaching? What level can students get if they study here? 
The chart can tell you.

I have been teaching English for 4 years and I have a team where can train these students step by step. With first batch of my students growing up, the blueprint of my teaching is clearer and clearer. In my schedule for students, I don't have exact time to tell all parents how kind of level  their children can reach because every child has different  ability of learning. However, we cannot look down on their ability of learning language. 

In my blueprint, there are no such thing as kids' English and adults' English because the ability of listening, speaking, reading, and writing at the same time is normal. There are only three steps in my blueprint, each of which is very important to students. How do foreign teachers and I train these students? Let's read this chart above. Just following each step can pass the basic and intermediate level of GEPT in Taiwan. After graduating in cram school, they just need to have the lessons with foreign teachers without Chinese teacher anymore. Conversation with  foreign teachers is a very important way to keep their ability of English. 

All parents can also definitely know what level their children get reach and how our team trains them by this chart. I also believe that the seed of English goes deep into their lives. As I said, English is not only about the test score.

Chinese teacher, Amelia